
Legacy of Kali'valas

'His starlit eyes were bred from the ocean's bluest depths,
as riveting as a most rare and finely cut jewel.'


The renowned ancestry of Ashal’valas - a hard-working family who once thrived among the ancient Highborne as arcane crystalsmiths - still bears impact upon the world of Azeroth to this very day. In the quiet corners of conversation, there lingers an enchanting tale about their extraordinary cultivation, 'Kali'valas, the Forge of the Stars'. This mystical marvel, lost in the tapestry of history, is often dismissed as a mere forgotten myth, yet whispers of its legend persist.At the peak of Kali'valas' splendour, the family fully claimed its name as their own in honour of their proudest creation.A name of olden tongue, ‘Kali’valas’ - simply meaning ‘Starforge’ - are recognisable as a lineage of infamous smiths who were most prolific and devoted in their ancient, magical craft; a profession of which was passed onto and carried forth by its descendants. This birthright has recently been risen from the depths by one Nor’andir Starforge, who now carries forth his legacy with pride after his recent delving into his family’s past.An elf hailing from the sunlit boughs of Eversong Woods, Nor'andir found himself as but a faint presence amid the magnificence of Quel'thalas. His early years were veiled in seclusion, marred by the cruelty of his mother, whose cold embrace cast a shadow over the young boy, marking the onset of a bleak and desolate childhood for Nor'andir.Having strayed defiantly from his elven culture - where only recently he has begun to reclaim his forgotten ancestry, uncovering the hidden beauty of his ilk - Nor’andir now exists among the realms of the Alliance, shifting between his life as an audacious spellblade and masterful crystalsmith.Attempting to comprehend the essence of who Nor'andir is presents a paradox of challenges; he embodies both audacious determination and relaxed composure, his expression often adorned with a sly smirk that only hints at concealed depths. Proficient in an array of talents, he effortlessly wields both cutting wit and arcane abilities of crystal and ice, whether amidst the chaos of combat or through the meticulous refinement of his intricate inventions.Above all, however, the young spellblade carries within him a gentle heart - fiercely guarded behind a frigid facade of feigned nonchalance - profoundly protective and loyal to the very core of his being.


Aeritheros Sunwood

“At the darkest point of my life, Aeritheros found me– and in spite of that darkness, he still chose to stay. Even when I cursed and spat, when I shoved him away, demanded him to leave......He stuck by me.Ain't often in life you find friends like that, and 'm scared to imagine where I'd have ended up if not for his perseverance-- his loyalty.I've every intention of returnin' the favour."

Alissera Reth'aran

“When it felt like the entire world was lookin’ down on me– there was only ever one who willingly took and guided my hand. First as an uncertain mentor, Alissera slowly grew into a remarkable presence in my life.To this day, I still don’t know what it is that she sees in me… Somethin’ that nobody else can. But her warm hugs and proud smile– her sincere laughter and stalwart heart… they are all what drive me to become the better man that she believes I can be.”

Sulfar Nightfall

"I met Sulfar when I was just a kid-- only a handful of times. Strange now to look back on that young boy who used to be a little bit scared of him, to the man I am now who works and hunts at his side. Like Alissera, Sulfar sees somethin' in me-- but he definitely has... a different method when tryna bring out my potential.But 'm still thankful for it. For him.I just hope I can make him proud, too."

Sylvari Windsong

“You know, the last thing I ever thought I’d want in life was a sister– a big sister. But somehow, I’ve found that in Sylvari. I’m sure she knows what I mean– think she’s short of puttin’ bark over my mouth in an effort to finally shut me up, but I always catch the mischievous twinkle in her eyes when she thinks I ain’t lookin’.Even though she was a bit of a grump when we first met, I’ve had the joy of seein’ her come out of her shell; of watching her grow, as well as grow alongside her.The bond Sylvari and I have is somethin’ special, and I wouldn’t trade it for the whole world.”

Valodriel Wavesinger

"My time travellin' with Mythos has lead to many surprises, and meetin' the old man was definitely one of 'em. I didn't know what to make of Valodriel for the longest time, and even now I still can't get a read on him.It's been slow, but I can see he's startin' to become a warmer soul despite everything he's been through. He definitely acts as old as he is, that's for sure......But he's become important to me, and I find myself lookin' for his approval, to see the pride shine in his eyes whenever he looks at me."

Talias Daywing

“Talias? Ah, geez. How do I even begin to start describin’ Talias…I was a little bit afraid of them at first, I won’t lie. Like Sulfar, they’ve immense power within them that they seem to wield with such control and ease– yet they behave so casually and flippantly.But unlike anyone else I’ve known, they can still smile and crack a joke when all seems lost. Full of courage and hope even when the world grows darkest. I find myself lookin’ to Talias when I feel defeated. I just hope I don’t disappoint ‘em, or let ‘em down.”


Customised Patch


Voice Claim


"The moniker 'Mythos'... It wasn't somethin' we named ourselves from the start. We had no intention of becomin' anything significant, to even fully associate ourselves with one another...... It just sorta happened."