
Legacy of Kali'valas

'His starlit eyes were bred from the ocean's bluest depths,
as riveting as a most rare and finely cut jewel.'

Starforge Saga

Legacy of Kali'valas

The renowned ancestry of Ashal’valas - a hard-working family who once thrived among the ancient Highborne as arcane crystalsmiths - still bears impact upon the world of Azeroth to this very day. In the quiet corners of conversation, there lingers an enchanting tale about their extraordinary cultivation, 'Kali'valas, the Forge of the Stars'. This mystical marvel - lost in the tapestry of history - is often dismissed as a mere forgotten myth, yet whispers of its legend persist.At the peak of Kali'valas' splendour, the family fully claimed its moniker as their own in honour of their proudest creation.A name of olden tongue, ‘Kali’valas’ - simply meaning ‘Starforge’ - are recognisable as a lineage of infamous smiths who were most prolific and devoted in their ancient, magical craft; a profession of which was passed onto and carried forth by its descendants.This once lost birthright has recently been risen from the depths by one Nor’andir Starforge, who now carries forth his legacy with pride after his recent delving into his family’s past.

Shadows Of The Sun

An elf hailing from the sunlit boughs of Eversong Woods, Nor'andir found himself as but a faint presence amid the magnificence of Quel'thalas. Born of lowly rank, the elf grew up steeped in the hard-worn values of the working class, shielded by his father’s rare yet steadfast guidance.However, Nor'andir was kept at a distance by the stifling grasp of his mother, resulting in the fleeting presence of his father. As a means for control, she wielded the boy as little more than a pawn; keeping him close only to tighten her hold over his father, guiding his choices through her manipulation over their son.As a result, Nor'andir's early years were veiled in seclusion, marred by the cruelty of his mother, whose cold embrace cast a shadow over the young boy, marking the onset of a bleak and desolate childhood for the boy. Perceiving the 'burden' of motherhood as a nuisance, his mother constrained Nor'andir to his studies, even resorting to sending him away to the enchanted city of Dalaran, all in a bid to keep him out of her sight.The harsh judgement of his kin as well as his peers only deepened the young elf's cold, detached nature; pushing him further into isolation. This rejection sparked a rebellious spirit within him, drawing him to others who - like him - were outcasts. The sudden death of his father - a rare source of warmth in his life - when Nor'andir was not yet twenty, left him lost in profound grief. Adrift and without guidance.This loss lead to the elf naively falling under the oppressive hand of a cruel Grand Magister, his resolve slowly broken within the harsh shadow of his master’s increasing power. Only the tragic Fall of Quel'thalas provided his chance to escape after many years under his possession, though it came at the cost of his right fore-arm, his homeland, and countless, innocent lives.Through it all, Nor’andir survived with a single, solemn vow blistering coldly within his heart; to never set foot in the prosperous ‘High Home’ ever again.

Remnants Of The Phoenix

A lengthy trek from the desolated Quel’thalas led Nor’andir to the kingdom of Stormwind, without a home and without purpose - but a shadow of who he was. His tainted spirit - bearing the scars of all he had endured - resulted in the elf descending into self-destructive habits; seeking solace in fleeting pleasures of drink, vice and dangerous uses of magic, spiraling ever closer to a breaking point.Yet, even in this darkest chapter, fate chose to intervene: his former mentor during his time studying at Dalaran, Alissera Reth'aran, had found him.Immediately recognising her young student, the highborne took Nor’andir under her protective wing, guiding him back from the brink. Through her unwavering care, Nor'andir gradually began to rebuild himself, as well as the cherished bond they had shared. Alissera’s compassion rekindled the memory of his late father's dreams, sparking a desire to revive the path his father had once set for him in becoming a crystalsmith.Guided by this purpose, he set his sights on honing this magical craft, combining his father’s lessons as a blacksmith with newfound arcane practices. He scoured ancient Highborne texts for traces of the lost profession, eventually finding a mentor in a draenei artisan who had mastered the art of crystal forging over millennia. With time, discipline and his mentor’s wisdom, Nor'andir refined his abilities; inheriting the smithy and knowledge that the draenei had left behind upon his peaceful passing.

The Mythical Overlaps The Mundane

After years spent mastering his craft as a crystalsmith, often exploring the realms of Azeroth as a lone-wolf, Nor'andir found himself drawn into the orbit of a small but formidable group of adventurers; a fellowship bound by shared purpose rather than blood or homeland. This gathering of diverse souls would one day become known as 'Mythos', spearheaded by the highborne sorceress and Nor'andir's teacher, Alissera Reth'aran.Drawn together by a blend of virtue, ambition and thrill-seeking; each unique member carries their own history, their own secrets. Some bear scars of past betrayals, lingering wounds kept veiled by smiles or stoic resolve, while others hold tightly to fragments of ancient knowledge, relics of magic or past misdeeds that could alter the balance of their bonds - if they ever chose to reveal them. Shadows of former lives whispered in quiet moments, and unspoken motives often glinted behind guarded eyes.Then, there was Nor'andir. With his ever-present smirk and suave charm, he slowly settled into his place within this gathering, weaving his wit and crystalline magics into their battles and triumphs.
For Nor'andir, joining Mythos was both a chance for camaraderie and an opportunity to test his evolving skills in ways he hadn’t yet dared alone - guarding his companions fiercely, revealing his ferociously protective nature in moments of great peril.
Over time, Mythos became to Nor'andir what he never expected to truly have...A family.

The Winter Wolf

Having strayed defiantly from his elven culture, Nor'andir now exists among the realms of the Alliance; shifting between his life as a venturesome spellblade and masterful crystalsmith under the teachings of Alissera. It is only in recent times that he has begun to reclaim his forgotten ancestry - uncovering the hidden beauty of his ilk.The elf's past has shaped him into the man he is now. Once the prey to his tumultuous upbringing, he has risen to become the predator. The Carnivore. The Wolf.As such, any attempt made to comprehend the essence of who Nor'andir truly is presents a paradox of challenges; he embodies both audacious determination and relaxed composure, his expression often adorned with a sly grin that only hints at concealed depths. Proficient in an array of talents, he effortlessly wields both cutting wit and arcane abilities of crystal and ice, whether amidst the chaos of combat or through the meticulous refinement of his intricate inventions.In spite of his suffering, the young spellblade still carries within him a gentle heart - vehemently guarded behind a frigid facade of feigned nonchalance - profoundly protective and loyal to the very core of his being.

Forged Bonds


"Zuril..? A twist I never saw comin’.Born into duty, a blade for his father. Cold. Always remindin’ me I was just a runt. Lesser. Or maybe… he saw what he could never be. Free.Turns out, all that fire wasn’t hate, just a man burnin’ up inside. Zuril ain't heartless, he feels too much– at war with what he was raised to be and who he truly is– and I reckon that war near tore him apart.But if he’s spent his life breakin', then I’ll spend mine piecing him back together. Piece by piece."

Alissera Reth'aran

“When it felt like the entire world was lookin’ down on me– there was only ever one who willingly took and guided my hand. First as an uncertain mentor, Alissera slowly grew into a remarkable presence in my life.She’s been more than just a teacher or guide, she’s been the mother I needed– the mother I never thought I would have.To this day, I still don’t know what it is that she sees in me… Somethin’ that nobody else can. But her warm hugs and proud smile– her sincere laughter and stalwart heart… they are all what drive me to become the better man that she believes I can be.”

Sulfar Nightfall

"I met Sulfar when I was just a kid-- only a handful of times. Strange now to look back on that young boy who used to be a little bit scared of him, to the man I am now who works and hunts at his side. Like Alissera, Sulfar sees somethin' in me-- but he definitely has... a different method when tryna bring out my potential.But 'm still thankful for it. For him.I just hope I can make him proud, too."

Sylvari Windsong

"Sylvari..? She's a wild flower. Think she’s short of puttin’ bark over my mouth in an effort to shut me up sometimes, but I always catch that mischievous spark in her eyes when she thinks I ain't payin’ attention.She had this prickly side when we first crossed paths - like a cactus, heh - but it’s been a real privilege watchin’ her soften up, seein’ her let the world in a little more, bit by bit.Sylvari and me? We’ve got a bond like no other, and I wouldn’t give that up for anything, not for the world."

Valodriel Wavesinger

"My time travellin' with Mythos has lead to many surprises, and meetin' the old man was definitely one of 'em. I didn't know what to make of Valodriel for the longest time, and even now I still can't get a read on him.It's been slow, but I can see he's startin' to become a warmer soul despite everything he's been through. He definitely acts as old as he is, that's for sure......But he's become important to me, and I find myself lookin' for his approval, to see the pride shine in his eyes whenever he looks at me."

Talias Daywing

“Talias? Ah, geez. How do I even begin to start describin’ Talias…I was a little bit afraid of them at first, I won’t lie. Like Sulfar, they’ve immense power within them that they seem to wield with such control and ease– yet they behave so casually and flippantly.But unlike anyone else I’ve known, they can still smile and crack a joke when all seems lost. Full of courage and hope even when the world grows darkest. I find myself lookin’ to Talias when I feel defeated. I just hope I don’t disappoint ‘em, or let ‘em down.”

Aeritheros Sunwood

“At the darkest point of my life, Aeritheros found me– and in spite of that darkness, he still chose to stay. Even when I cursed and spat, when I shoved him away, demanded him to leave......He stuck by me.Ain't often in life you find friends like that, and 'm scared to imagine where I'd have ended up if not for his perseverance-- his loyalty.I've every intention of returnin' the favour."


Customised Patch


Voice Claim


"The moniker 'Mythos'... It wasn't somethin' we named ourselves from the start. We had no intention of becomin' anything significant, to even fully associate ourselves with one another...... It just sorta happened."